Name: Alexandra Smith
Year: Sophomore
Initiated: Today!
Major: IDLS with a concentration in Special Education
Dream Job: After I teach for a few years, I really want to be either a elementary or middle school guidance coulselor
Other organizations: Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and Habitat for Humanity
Favorite thing about JMU: I love how nice and friendly everyone is here! I love that no matter where on campus you go, you can almost expect someone to hold doors open for you and to just be friendly and smile at you when you pass by. It's such a nice feeling to be in such a welcoming environment and it is definitely one of the main things that made me want to come to school at JMU in the first place.
Favorite thing about DG so far: My favorite thing about DG so far are all of the amazing women in DG! I think that everyone are such nice and amazing people and I feel so lucky to be able to be a part of that and to just be able to have the privellage know everyone. :)
Looking forward to most: I'm looking foward to being initiated and becoming a sister the most! DG has such a great sisterhood and I'm so excited to officially become apart of it!
Fun fact about me: I have lived in 6 different states, 2 different countries, and have moved 7 times.
Alexandra and her DG family! |
Amazing picture -- Dani, Lexie and Alex team up for Greek Week! |