
A Delta Gamma's Do Good Spring Break

A senior at Epsilon Nu, Gopi Pitcher, led an Alternative Spring Break trip to Jacksonville, FL. She tells us all about her trip below!


I lead an alternative Spring Break trip for spring break 2011. My group went to Jacksonville, FL to work with Pace Center for girls.  Pace Center for girls is a prevention program for at risk youth. The girls  (12-18 year olds) who attend Pace are at least 1 to 3 years behind in school, and attend Pace on a voluntary basis. The regular school system wasn’t working for them, and they are trying to work towards getting back into the system, or towards a GED. These girls haven’t had the best lives, suffering from domestic abuse, drugs, alcohol, and an array of other issues within the home.

The Impact:

Meeting the Pace girls was a once in a lifetime experience. I loved getting to know them for the week we were there. They welcomed us, accepted and received the group far better than ever expected. Our group went down with planned after school activities including; journals, game day, movie day, and final poster project. Though having a tough exterior, the girls were golden at heart. They had a lot of questions about college life and what Virginia was like. Our group was truthful about college life, but also highlighted the positive things about college.  It was an amazing experience!

Being a DG:

Being a leader had its fair share of difficult times. I always remembered, (especially when I would get frustrated) whether I was wearing letters or not, I still represented Delta Gamma. Also, a lot of the girls asked about sorority life. They would ask questions, that most of us in greek life would find stereotypical, however they were earnest and really had no idea. Most of the girls have never been out of Jacksonville. Again, I answered truthfully, but also emphasized all the good DG’s do. I love our sisterhood and was very proud to represent Delta Gamma to the ASB community as well as the Jacksonville community.

Gopi, middle in navy, and her group!

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